Beyond Barriers

Beyond Barriers

16 miles = 16 years
Life Expectancy Map


That’s the difference in life expectancy between zip code 46201 and 46250…and that gap is widening. Despite the fact we live in a region where health care options are abundant, right here in our midst, our underserved continue to suffer at globally disproportionate rates.

Eighty percent of our health is shaped by Social Determinants of Health. Thinking another way,  traditionally delivered medical care contributes only 20% to reducing premature death. To radically transform outcomes, Eskenazi Health must integrate medical care with social care. The Beyond Barriers Campaign represents a deliberate decision to focus philanthropy at the point of greatest opportunity.


Transforming both requires solving the underlying social problems impacting well-being often termed social determinants of health.

Those living in poverty disproportionately face so many health challenges. Challenges such as disability, mental health, medical issues and substance use disorder impede education and job opportunities, limit child and adult brain development, contribute to violence in our city and reduce quality of life. Change will not happen quickly. But it must start now.

The BeyondBarriers campaign launches a commitment to generational change—collaboratively improving life expectancy in Indianapolis. The goal is to leverage Eskenazi Health’s strengths and partnerships through a first-of-its-kind integrated and sustainable model to create life expectancy equity for everyone in Indianapolis.

The future of health care is not about helping more sick people get better, it is about having fewer people getting sick.



To truly change our community, all of the Social Determinants of Health must be addressed. But this campaign is focused on real change in three areas: HEALTH CARE – creating the conditions for healthy living, MENTAL HEALTH CARE – fostering resilience and healthy mindset, and FOOD AS MEDICINE – access to eating healthful and nutritious food.

Learn more below about each pillar and how the philanthropic investments are already making changes in our communities.



We invite you to stand with Eskenazi Health as we build the healthy communities everyone deserves, those where each of us has the opportunity to experience our fullest and most vibrant life.



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