Stock Gifts
Click here for a printable version of stock transfer instructions.
Gifts of securities are simple to donate and may provide favorable tax benefits.
Gifts of securities are credited on the date of transfer to Eskenazi Health Foundation and are valued at the mean of the high and low quoted sales price on that day.
Stock may be donated by electronic transfer as follows:
Utilizing the Depository Trust Company (DTC), transfer shares between your broker and Eskenazi Health Foundation’s investment custodian at Fifth Third Bank. Please call our office at 317.880.4900 to notify us of your plans to make a gift of stock. Stock transferred in this fashion is valued on the date of the transfer.
Donors should instruct their brokers that the following information is needed to process their gift:
Investment Custodian: Fifth Third Bank
DTC Eligible Securities
Participant Number: 2116
FFC A/C#: 650009886151
Agent Bank #: 10016
Institutional ID#: 11153
Tax ID #: 31-1132066
From whom the stock gift is credit of: _________ (Name of Donor)
Purpose of Gift: ___________________ (indicate if unrestricted)
No purpose indicated is assumed to be unrestricted.
Click here for a printable version of stock transfer instructions.